Calderdale schools

Search for schools

If you want to find a specific school in Calderdale, please use the drop down list below.

The results page will display the name, address and contact details of the school, the name of the headteacher and the number of pupils on roll. It will also show the school type and status and whether or not the school has nursery classes.

If you want to search for a group of schools, please select one or more of the following fields. If you want to search for all schools, leave all fields blank.

Help on searching for schools

Please note that some schools may appear to have the same name but are distinguished by their location. For example: St John's CE (VA) Primary School (Clifton) and St John's CE (VA) Primary School (Rishworth).

Some schools also have two addresses listed against them. One will be the main school details and one will show the address of an annexe.

Please note that some schools will be listed according to their official name and may not appear as you would expect in the drop-down list. Please bear this in mind when searching for a specific school. For example: Crossley Heath School will be listed as The Crossley Heath School

Postal district

If you wish to look for schools in a particular locality, you can select a postal district.

Multiple searches

You can search for a group of schools by using more than one field to narrow the results. For example, you may wish to find a primary school with nursery classes in the HX4 postal district. This can be generated by selecting the relevant fields on the search page.

Searching for schools outside Calderdale provides the National School Finder Service, this allows parents to search for any Primary or Secondary school in England.

For more information visit National school finder service|External link

Last Updated: 03/12/2024