Electoral Services

Contact us

The Electoral Services Unit welcomes feedback from our customers about the service they have received. Please take a few moments to complete this form. Alternatively, you can use this form to request further electoral information which may not be available on the web site.

The form below is comprised of two sections, which are to be completed in separate stages. Enter your personal details in section 1, and then go to section 2 using the continue button. Enter how can we help you or your comments/feedback. When you have completed section 2, you can submit the form and you will be provided with a summary of the information you have sent.

If you have made a mistake you can use the clear form button to start again.

Completing the form will only take a few minutes.

Please note:

Contact us form

Section 1 of 2: Your details

Please provide either your telephone number or email address*
Privacy Notice For Electoral (Version 1)

Further Information

Last updated: 30/10/2008