Council, committee and cabinet meetings

Cabinet Tuesday 18th June 2019

Tuesday 18th June 2019


Agenda - 18/06/19 [PDF file 220KB]|PDF file

Item 4 - Minutes of the Meeting of Cabinet held on 15th April 2019:

4. Minutes of the Meeting of Cabinet held on the 15th April 2019 [PDF Document 153KB]

Item 6 - Council Performance Annual Review Update:

6. Appx D - Council Performance Annual Review [PDF Document 207KB]
6. Appx C - Council Performance Annual Review Update [PDF Document 3587KB]
6. Appx B - Council Performance Annual Review Update [PDF Document 1718KB]
6. Appx A - Council Performance Annual Review Update [PDF Document 1049KB]
6. Council Performance Annual Review Update [PDF Document 91KB]

Item 7 - Children and Young People's Services Scrutiny Board - Fostering Detailed Scrutiny Review - Findings and Recommendations:

7. Appx - Children and Young Peoples Services Scrutiny Board Fostering Detailed Scrutiny Review Findings and Recommendations [PDF Document 975KB]
7. Children and Young People's Service Fostering Detailed Scrutiny Review [PDF Document 157KB]

Item 8 - Air Quality:

8.Air Quality [PDF Document 224KB]
8. Appx 1 - Air Quality [PDF Document 2786KB]

Item 9 - Moorland Fires Public Space Protection Order:

9. Moorland Fires Public Space Protection Order [PDF Document 2333KB]

Item 10 - Inclusive Labour Programme:

10. Inclusive Labour Programme [PDF Document 188KB]

Item 11 - Final Accounts 2018/19 - Revenue Outturn Position:

11. Final Accounts 2018/19 Revenue Outturn Position [PDF Document 194KB]

Item 12 - Capital Outturn Report - 2018/19:

12. Capital Outturn Report 2018-19 [PDF Document 171KB]

Item 13 - Appointment of Members to Serve on Joint Committees Exercising Executive Functions for the 2019/20 Municipal Year:

13. Appointment of Members to Serve on Joint Committees Exercising Executive Functions for the 2019/20 Municipal Year [PDF Document 165KB]

Item 14 - Establishment of Working Parties and Other Bodies for 2019/20 Municipal Year:

14. Establishment of Working Parties and Other Bodies for 2019/20 Municipal Year [PDF Document 306KB]

In the Minutes:-

a) decisions which have an asterisk (*) at the beginning need the approval of the full Council before they can be actioned.

b) an (E) appearing after the minute number, ie 123(E), means that the public were excluded from the meeting for consideration of the item.

It is possible to view papers referred to in the minutes at the Council's Libraries (online) and at the Town Hall, Crossley Street, Halifax.

Minutes of the meeting

Minutes [Word file 218KB]|Word file

Last Updated: 03/10/2005