Report litter
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Before you report litter is the problem:
General litter
Find out when public litter bins are emptied, see: Check when a litter bin is scheduled to be emptied.
Get advice about clearing litter.
We empty litter bins around Calderdale often. If you do come across a bin that is full, you can help by taking the litter home.
- For full or damaged bins, see: Report damaged/overflowing bin.
- If there is an area that has a build-up of litter, see: Report litter.
After the report has been made, we will:
- Look into the problem and arrange for the area to be cleaned, where needed.
- Work with our enforcement officers to find and monitor problem areas.
We are not able to attend areas that have small amounts of litter on an ad hoc basis. You can help by putting it in a public bin or by taking it home.
We are reviewing where public litter bins are positioned. Bins may be removed where another one is nearby. Please take the litter to the next available bin.
Due to this review, we will not give any new bins at this time.
If you want a location to be considered for a bin, please see: Litter bin review.
In a garden or land attached to a home
Get advice about clearing private residential land.
Clearing rubbish from someone's garden, or the land around their home is not a council responsibility.
We may take action in extreme cases where there is a health or safety risk. For example, if there are rats or dangerous materials. In these circumstances, to report an issues, see: Nuisance Gardens.
You can also report problems with needles, syringes and other clinical waste to a private clinical waste contractor. Search online for a local company.
On land attached to a shop, pub or other commercial building
Get advice about clearing commercial land.
Clearing rubbish from land attached to a shop, pub, factory or other commercial building is not a council responsibility. Please report it to the landowner.
We may take action in extreme cases where there is a health or safety risk. For example, if there are rats or dangerous materials. In these circumstances contact us.
On a canal, river or railway
Get advice about clearing canals, rivers or railways.
Clearing rubbish from a river bank, canal or railway land is not a council responsibility. Please report it to the relevant organisation:
- For rivers, contact: Environment Agency.
- For canals, contact: Canal & River Trust.
- For railway land, contact: Network Rail.
Next to a wheelie bin or recycling container
Do not report it now. Check again after the next rubbish collection and report it if it's still there. Bin collection dates.
To report issues with waste accumulation, see: Nuisance Gardens.