From Weaver to Web: Online visual archive of Calderdale History
Welcome to the online visual archive of Calderdale history. It gives you access to over 23,000 images, with supporting historical information.
The Calderdale area includes the towns of Halifax, Brighouse, Elland, Hebden Bridge, Sowerby Bridge and Todmorden.
From Weaver to Web provides access to a wide range of materials. These may be very useful to local and family historians interested in this area.
You will find photographs, postcards, maps, trade directories, handbills and many other types of historical sources.
Archive feature
Shibden Hall, The Lowther State Chariot.
Shibden dale has been a popular tourist destination for Halifax people since Victorian times. Shibden Brook becomes the Red Beck at Brookfoot downstream.
Over the years, 13 different spellings of Shibden have been recorded, all deriving from mispronunciations of Sheep Dene (The Valley of Sheep).
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What's new
- Anne Lister Inspired Writing Workshop Zine
- Central Library and Archives, Square Road, Halifax
- Fielden Family Tree
- Anti Poor Law Riots, November 1838
- The Mankinholes Riot, November 1838 - testimony of Charles Ratcliffe
- The Mankinholes Riot, November 1838 - proceedings at the White Hart Inn (27th December 1838)
- Aftermath of the Mankinholes Riot - William Greenwood fined
- The Mankinholes Riot - William Greenwood's petition to the House of Commons
- Defrauding of the tolls, 1830
- The Mankinholes Riot - Magistrates meeting at Todmorden, 27th December 1838

World War One local newspapers
Browse or search the Halifax Weekly Courier 1914-1918 for news from the area we now know as Calderdale...